A tantárgy adatlapja ebben a tantervben:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Vegyészmérnöki alapképzési szak nappali BSc

Subject data sheet

Modern Fuels

Name of the subject in Hungarian: Korszerű motorhajtó- és kenőanyagok

Course ID Assessment Credits
BMEVEKFA003 2+0+0/f 2

Responsible person and department:

Dr. Andras Jozsef Toth, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering


Dr. Peter Mizsey

Dr. Laszlo Racz

Dr. Antal Tungler

Subject is based on:

Aim of the subject:

Crude oil, automtive fuels, alternative fuels, imternal combustion engines, hydrogen industry. Refinery, petrochemical processes to produce automiteve fuels and lubricants

Program of the subject has been developed by:

Dr. Andras Jozsef Toth, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering

Last modified: 2018-11-12 11:17:39