A tantárgy adatlapja ebben a tantervben:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Vegyészmérnöki mesterképzési szak nappali MSc

Subject data sheet

Protecting industrial laws

Name of the subject in Hungarian: Szabadalmi ismeretek

Course ID Assessment Credits
BMEVESZM401 2+0+0/v 2

Further information on the subject (current semester):

Responsible person and department:

Dr. Béla Mátravölgyi assistant professor, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology





Dr. Béla Mátravölgyi

Assistant Professor

Deptment of Organic Chemistry and Technology

Dr. János Őri

Head of Department


Subject is based on:

 Knowledge on laws, economics

Aim of the subject:

The subject gives an overview about the patents in pharmaceutical industry. Students can learn about the types of patents, the special procedural rules at the European and, in some extent, in USA Patent Offices.

Program of the subject has been developed by:

Dr. János Őri

Last modified: 2019-05-09 10:46:12