Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Contact: 1111 Budapest, Gellért tér 4. CH. ép., Tel: +36-1-463-3858,
Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research:
Ferroptosis, the caspase independent, iron dependent cell death type described in 2012 is in the focus of our research group. We demonstrated earlier that ferroptosis is involved in the death of liver cells due to overdose of acetaminophen (the agent of Rubophen Neo Citran, Panadol). We aim at the further investigation of the relationship of different cell death types (necroptosis, ferroptosis, autophagy, apoptosis) involved in the cell death of liver cells induced by acetaminophen overdose. Since the molecular background of the anti-tumour effect of high dose vitamin C shows similarities to the acetaminophen induced cell death, we aimed the investigation of ferroptosis in this case too. The more detailed understand of the previous process can lead to the more efficient therapy of drug induced liver injury. The second part of our project may contribute to the clarification of the role of high pharmacologic dose of vitamin C in the anti-tumour therapy and gives the possibility of the combined anti-tumour therapy of high dose vitamin C together with conventional agents.
It has been described earlier, that the effect of several environment pollutant on animal and plant cells is very similar to that was observed during ferroptosis. The most important pollutants are the soil pollutant cadmium (Cd), the air and water pollutant reactive unsaturated aldehyde acrolein. The latter is generated during the cooking or frying of food with fats or oils thus it has food safety importance too. Furthermore, it is also generated in animal or plant cells due to environmental and (a)biotic stresses. We are also dealing with the antioxidants because of their important role in these processes.

Introduction: Our group main research topics are focusing on mitochondrial function, redox regulation and their function in stress adaptation.

Main research topics:

  • the role of mitochondrial carbohydrate and ascorbic acid transport and metabolism in the osmotic and oxidative stress adaptation
  • the role of mitochondrial ROS generation and elimination systems in bacterial elicitor induced plant stress response
  • investigation of the relationship between mitochondrial DNA damage and oxidative protein folding 

Sample publications:

Lőrincz Tamás, Jemnitz Katalin, Kardon Tamás, Mandl József, Szarka András: Ferroptosis is Involved in Acetaminophen Induced Cell Death. Pathol Oncol Res

Lőrincz Tamás, Holczer Marianna, Kapuy Orsolya, Szarka András:The interrelationship of pharmacologic ascorbate induced cell death and ferroptosis. Pathology Oncology Research

Lőrincz Tamás, Szarka András: In silico Analysis on the Possible Role of Mitochondria in Ferroptosis. Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering

Ádám Czobor, Péter Hajdinák, Bence Németh, Borbála Piros, Áron Németh, András Szarka: The response of plant uncoupling proteins to bacterial elicitor induced oxidative burst. PlosOne

Awards and achievements:
Guest professors:
Group leader: Dr. Szarka András