A tantárgy adatlapja ebben a tantervben:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Környezetmérnöki mesterképzési szak nappali MSc

Subject data sheet

Economic Analysis of Technology

Name of the subject in Hungarian: Műszaki folyamatok közgazdasági elemzése

Course ID Assessment Credits
BMEGT30M401 2+0+0/f 3

Further information on the subject (current semester):

Responsible person and department:




Dr. László Vígh

Associate professor

Department of Economics





Dr. Iván Major

Full professor

Department of Economics

Subject is based on:



No prerequisites

Aim of the subject:

Recently the education in different fields of engineering does not contain only the traditional topics of technology, but also elements from economic sciences. Thus engineers will be engaged to understand economic consequences of their decisions. The aim of the present subject is to give an introduction into this field based on empirical investigations as well as on theoretical approaches. After a short introduction it will be shown how basic categories could be used to describe the situation being under consideration. It will be followed by a detailed investigation of the special relationship between technology and costs, again based on empirics and on traditional models. The next block contains questions dealing with the market structure (free competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, etc.), and related topics like multi-product firms and innovations. Finally, the course concludes with a lecture dealing with the strategic decisions of firms based on an introduction to game theory.

Program of the subject has been developed by:




Dr. László Vígh

Associate professor

Department of Economics

Last modified: 2018-08-09 16:29:56