A tantárgy adatlapja ebben a tantervben:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Vegyészmérnöki mesterképzési szak nappali MSc

Subject data sheet

Electronics and measurement technology

Name of the subject in Hungarian: Elektronika és méréstechnika

Course ID Assessment Credits
BMEVEFAM112 2+0+2/f 5

Responsible person and department:


Subject is based on:

Aim of the subject:

The objective of the "Electronics and Measurement Technology " course is to introduce students to the practical applications of the fundamental concepts and tools of electronics and measurement technology. During the course, students will familiarize themselves with microcontrollers, sensors, and data transmission solutions using the Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi, modern examples of single-chip systems (SoC) and single-board computers (SBC). Through a project-based approach, students will not only acquire theoretical knowledge but also practical experience in programming sensors and data transmission solutions in C and Python languages. The course covers topics such as temperature measurement, distance measurement, simulation of optical separation, use and control of multi-sensor expansion panels, signal amplification, signal inversion, signal differentiation and integration, and communication between data transmission systems, with a particular emphasis on the practical application of theoretical knowledge acquired during each project.

Program of the subject has been developed by:

Last modified: 2024-01-18 10:35:03