László Mika, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology |
Környezetmérnöki alapképzési szak nappali BSc |
Name of the subject in Hungarian: Környezeti eljárástan I
Course ID | Assessment | Credits |
BMEVEVMAKM2 | 2+0+3/f | 5 |
László Mika, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering
Name: |
Post: |
Department: |
Peter Mizsey |
professor |
Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering |
Katalinn Koczka Angyalne senior assistent Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering
Basics of environmental protection
Mathematicsc, Physical chemistry
To explain the basics of the environmental engineering. Study of mechanical and heat transfer operations.
Prof. Peter Mizsey, Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering
Last modified: 2022-02-14 12:59:43