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Summer school and workshop in calorimetry 2017

2017. február 21. kedd

Summer school and workshop in calorimetry 2017
Calorimetry and thermal analysis methods, alone or linked to other techniques, will be described and applied to the characterization of catalysts, oxides, metals, supports, adsorbents, polymers, composites, food, pharmaceuticals, mesoporous solids, ionic liquids, phase change materials, heat storage materials, hydrogen storage materials. Examples will be given in various domains: catalytic reactions, air and wastewater treatment, clean and renewable energies, refining of hydrocarbons, green chemistry, hydrogen production and storage, CO2 capture, interseasonal heat storage, food chemistry, polymers...

The described techniques will be the following: calorimetry, DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), TGA (thermogravimetric analysis), DTA (differential thermal analysis), TPD (thermoprogrammed desorption), TPR/TPO (thermoprogrammed reduction/oxidation), and coupled techniques as  Calorimetry – Volumetry, TG-DSC-MS, TG-FTIR, DSC – Gas Chromatography, Calorimetry - UV / Visible spectroscopy, Calorimetry - HPL Chromatography, Titration and flow calorimetry, modulated DSC,..

Thematic workshops on case studies will be organized according to the scientific interests of the participants (i.e. CO2 capture, hydrogen storage and production, thermochemical heat storage, polymer decomposition, catalytic active sites characterization, experimental set-up and instruments calibrations, experimental data interpretation…). Participants are invited to submit their wishes in the registration form (“Remarks” section).
Participants are encouraged to submit a 1 page summary of their work to be considered for poster presentation during the workshop. Experts in the various domains of thermal analysis will be available for discussions.

Aline AUROUX and Gina POSTOLE, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l'Environnement de Lyon, UMR 5256 CNRS/Université Lyon 1, 2 avenue Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne cedex,
France Phone: +33 4 72 44 53 98; Fax: +33 4 72 44 53 99; E-mail:

June 18 - 23, 2017.

Registration on Sunday 18 afternoon and welcome party, beginning of the summer school on Monday 19 morning, end of the summer school on Friday 23 afternoon (around 5 pm). We recommend to stay the week-end to visit the beautiful town of Lyon.

The school will be held on the beautiful site of Fourvière Hill in Lyon, close to the Basilique de Fourvière and Roman Theater: Centre Jean Bosco, 14 rue Roger Radisson, 69005 Lyon, France

The registration fee includes 5 nights of housing in Jean Bosco or Foyer Jésus-Marie centers (depending on your choice and availability), 5 breakfasts, 5 lunches and 3 diners, coffees and drinks, 1 welcome party, 1 City tour of Lyon, 1 excursion in the medieval town of Perouges and 1 banquet, the book of lessons and the attendance to the school:

  • Students and PhD students (of any public or private organisation): 650 euros with lodging in single room in Foyer Jésus-Marie (only for ladies) or in shared double room in Jean Bosco, 830 euros with lodging in a single room in centre Jean Bosco, or 400 euros without lodging (but including meals). For French students, please provide an attestation from your university or laboratory.
  • Other participants (including postdoctoral positions), members of any other public or private organisation: 830 euros (including lodging in single room in centre Jean Bosco), or 550 euros without lodging (but including meals).
  • Extra-nights ( including breakfast) will be charged 47 euros ( single room) and 64 euros ( double room) in Jean Bosco center (per night). Please indicate in the registration form, in the column “Remarks”, your dates of arrival and departure and the number of extra-nights you wish.
You can register on-line on the website and then click on “SUBMIT” the completed form.
In case of problems during the on-line registration procedure, you can also download the registration form: registration.pdf and send it back by e-mail or fax:
Fax: +33 4 72 44 53 99 (To: Dr. Aline AUROUX); E-mail:


  • Rooms in "Jean Bosco" center: single and double rooms with private shower and toilets are available (please give your preference on the registration form, the price being different with the choice). Wi-Fi is available in the whole center, including rooms.
  • Rooms in Foyer Jésus-Marie: located 100 meters from "Jean Bosco" center, single rooms with shared shower (one for 2 rooms) are available. Single rooms with private shower are also available. Internet is available in the rooms.
Foyer Jésus-Marie accepts only ladies. It is located 2 place de Fourvière (door in front of Metro Fourvière)
  • Other hotels: a list of low price hotels is available on the web-site.

    The number of rooms in Jean Bosco and Foyer Jésus-Marie is limited. Payment deadline will be May 12, 2017. Note that Jean Bosco center and Foyer Jésus-Marie are very close to each other (less than 100m). Both centers have wi-fi, internet,and are very clean.

    The school is addressed to PhD students, Post-docs, researchers, engineers, technical staff and technologists, belonging to academic structures as well as to private companies, already working or interested to orient their future research in the field of thermal analysis and calorimetry, and which wish to acquire skill in such methods applied to the characterization of materials. There will be two parallel sessions (one in French, one in English) in two different classrooms.

    The course is intended to fill the gap between the basic thermodynamic and kinetics concepts acquired by the students during their academic formation, and the use of experimental techniques such as thermal analysis and calorimetry to answer practical questions. The course will give the students insight into the different thermal and calorimetric methods which can be employed in studies aimed at characterizing the physico-chemical properties of materials. The course will give also the basic concepts for the physico-chemical comprehension of the relevant phenomena (adsorption/desorption, melting, crystallization, phase transitions, chemical interactions and reactions,…) .


    • Lectures (Power Point slides in English, lessons both in English and French)
    • Hands-on (small groups of students)
    • Workshops and Round tables
    • Poster presentations by the participants
    • Two guided visits to calorimetry and thermal analysis laboratories (2 academic and 1 industrial)
    • Distribution of a hard copy of the teaching material
    • Creation of a web-site as an interactive platform, aimed at allowing the participants to ask questions and communicate each other (for a period of 3-6 months after the end of the School)
    A detailed schedule will be soon available on the website.
    ((Photos of the calorimetry school which was held in June 2016 can still be seen on

    12 teachers from France and various European countries among the most well known specialists in calorimetry and thermal analysis techniques, speaking fluently both French and English, will give lessons and advices during the school.

    Lessons will be given in parallel sessions in French and in English.

    For further information and reservation, please contact:
    Dr. Aline AUROUX,

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