BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

Daily absence notification

If someone observes symptoms of COVID-19, or if the infection is confirmed according to the SARS-CoV-2 test, this fact must be reported in the study administration system (NEPTUN system) on request form 088! It is not necessary to complete this questionnaire.

In this form, VBK students are required to report absences due to daily illnesses, including if they experience symptoms of any infectious disease (but probably not COVID-19). Please make sure to log in with your e-mail address before trying to fill the form. No certificate is required for notification.

Based on the notification, the absence on the same day (after the notification) is considered verified. All professors who would have a mandatory attendance class must be notified of the absence by e-mail at the same time as completing the questionnaire and reach an agreement on the method of replacement!

In case of absence for several days, the questionnaire must be completed every day (with the exception of hospital care or other cases when you are unable to access the questionnaire).

Participation in online classes and examinations is obligatory even if you have declared your absence, except for this if you present a medical certificate for your illness that also prevents you from participating online / justifies a vis major reason.

A student who experiences symptoms of a sick or infectious disease on his/herself cannot enter BME, ie it is forbidden to be at BME on the same day after filling in the questionnaire!

 If there is anything else to discuss or the questionnaire is not available after logging in with ID, write an e-mail to!