BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

Pre-triage form

Students participating in BME VBK’s academic programmes shall complete the online pre-triage form before the first time attending in-person at BME. Please make sure to log in with your e-mail address before trying to fill the form. If any of the questions in the questionnaire are answered with a “yes” initially or at any time during the 2020/21/1 term, the student shall be denied access to BME’s premises and shall use the designated sites to report their symptoms, the duration of their voluntary/official quarantine and the duration of their absence.

If someone observes symptoms of COVID-19, or if the infection is confirmed according to the SARS-CoV-2 test, this fact must be reported in the study administration system (NEPTUN system) on request form 088! 

 If there is anything else to discuss or the questionnaire is not available after logging in with ID, write an e-mail to!