BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

nyelv / language: hu | en
A tantárgy adatlapja ebben a tantervben:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Környezetmérnöki mesterképzési szak nappali MSc

Subject data sheet


Name of the subject in Hungarian: Energiahatékonyság és tanúsítás*

Course ID Assessment Credits
BMEGEÉEMKK3 2+1+0/f 3

Further information on the subject (current semester):

Responsible person and department:


Subject is based on:

Aim of the subject:

The course aims to provide theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of energy efficiency of large energy systems and buildings. It covers fundamental meteorological aspects, energy balance of buildings, calculation frameworks, energy efficiency measures and building integrated renewable energy systems, energy performance and environmental indicators. Energy performance certification schemes will also be discussed such as life cycle assessment of buildings.

Program of the subject has been developed by:



Tanszék, Int.:

Dr. Csoknyai Tamás

egyetemi docens

Épületgépészeti és Gépészeti Eljárástechnika Tanszék

Last modified: 2018-11-30 11:54:08

Data sheets of other subjects can be found here.